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 Are you freaking out about how to make money right now?

Are you nervous your clients will stop paying?

Are you unsure with how to get your skill set out into the world in a way that is helpful, but also brings in revenue?

Are you worried about selling in an uncertain time?

Are you ready to bring part of your business model online, but don’t have a clue where to start?


 What if this time was made for you to STAND OUT above your competition.

What if this were the time for you to get a step ahead of the game?

What if this were the time that you took your security into your own hands, not the hands of a few clients or customers?

The Global ELearning/ Virtual Service market was estimated to reach 325 Billion/year by 2025, before the pandemic hit!  

Expect those numbers to triple as people stay home longer, or decide to not go back to life as normal.  Online is here to stay… now, more than ever, this is the way to drive safety and stable income to your business.


Who the F*ck am I and why should you give a crap?

I’m The Slay Coach, I’m not a regular business coach, I don’t just coach other coaches.  I’ve coached hundreds of women, and helped million dollar experts in industry’s such as events, pharmacy, hair/beauty, food service, marketing, sales, travel, and public relations.

I started online marketing 6 years ago, in network marketing.  Made it to the top .5% of my company, and replaced my corporate take home salary.  2 1/2 years ago I started a mission to help female entrepreneurs all over the world, and scaled The Slay Brands to a million dollar company, in its second Year. I have a nationally recognized networking event, hosted hundreds from all over the world,  at my yearly conference, and have clients on every continent except Antartica. (If you know any penguins, that want to grow a brand online, send them my way)

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Why Me? I’m just a beauty school drop out, who got knocked up at 19, former bartender… I’m not more special than you.  I made a lot of mistakes and learned a lot of lessons the hard way, so that I can pass the knowledge down to you.

I’ve suffered from major anxiety/panic disorder for the lat 5 years.  I’ve had months where I couldn’t leave my home.

ANYONE, in any Industry, can make a difference while making an income right now.


The World NEEDS YOU, and YOUR GIFTS… now more than ever.

Will you be remembered for your service?

Or will you lose ground to those showing up, even when they are shit their pants scared?

For a limited time only, I’m offering massive support for business owners…and a massively discounted rate.

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(The Course will be later rebranded and Sold as “Move Your Hustle Online” for $1199)

 Regular Price: $1,199

Pandemic Promo: $111 (over 90% off)

Paid in Full - $111

Total Value $1900

  • 15 modules on how to build an online business from mindset to the strategies to be successful ($1199 VALUE)

  • The Money Slay course for money mindset and budgeting ($666 VALUE)

  • Q&A w/ Guest Experts

  • Unlimited access to private FB community

  • BONUS group coaching call w/ Jamie King

  • BONUS materials


Payment Plan

3 monthly payments of $39

  • 15 modules on how to build an online business from mindset to the strategies to be successful ($1199 VALUE)

  • The Money Slay course for money mindset and budgeting ($666 VALUE)

  • Q&A w/ Guest Experts

  • Unlimited access to private FB community

  • BONUS materials


VIP - $444

(Only 10 Spots) $2600 Value

  • 2 x 45 min Custom Strategy Sessions with a Slay Certified Business Coach ($500 VALUE)

  • *Ticket to Summit of Slay 2020

  • 15 modules on how to build an online business from mindset to the strategies to be successful ($1199 VALUE)

  • The Money Slay course for money mindset and budgeting ($666 VALUE)

  • Q&A w/ Guest Experts

  • Unlimited access to private FB community

  • BONUS group coaching call w/ Jamie King

  • BONUS materials


VIPP - $999

(Only 5 Spots) Total Value $3900

  • Custom Coaching session w/ The Slay Coach ($1200 VALUE)

  • Custom Strategy/Tech session w/ Dustin King ($600 VALUE)

  • *Ticket to Summit of Slay 2020

  • 15 modules on how to build an online business from mindset to the strategies to be successful ($1199 VALUE)

  • The Money Slay course for money mindset and budgeting ($666 VALUE)

  • Q&A w/ Guest Experts

  • Unlimited access to private FB community

  • BONUS group coaching call w/ Jamie King

  • BONUS materials


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You were made for this…

When your back is against the wall, you are the one who chooses to rise.  

You were made for this, the world needs your gifts, your work, your skills, in the world, more than ever.

You are done being afraid, you’re done wondering “What if.”

You are done questioning if you are good enough.  You are done questioning, how you could make online biz work for you.

The world doesn't need more perfectionist

The world needs more action takers, and more servants to show up for them

I believe in you.  

Let’s change the world together. 

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