How To Pivot Your Sales During a Pandemic
Welcome to the new world, my quarantined slaydy-bosses. 2020, this is how we doing shit. Lol. I’ll be the first one to admit that things are getting preeeeetty cray on the global stage lately. The world is going through some pretty uncertain times with the outbreak and spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Everyone’s straight up collectively losing their shit, and look, I’m not going to sit here and tell you that everything’s gravy baby and we’re not up against some potentially tough times.
But instead of fueling the fire or doom and glooming, I’ve decided to step the fuck up as a leader and give some of you who might be worrying about your job security in these rough times some tangible and implementable ways to pivot your sales during this pandemic. I talked about it on my latest podcast which you can listen to here, but I’ve also condensed the info into this blog.
Here are the facts:
Yes, things are changing.
Yes, there’s a lot of uncertainty right now about where everything is going, particularly economically.
Yes, as business owners we need to be mindful of what’s going on globally and what the effects this global sitcho might have on our income.
Yes, we need to adjust our approach to sales so we are being compassionate to those going through some tough fucking times right now…
BUT, lovebugs - there are still many opportunities to make money and feed your fam!
The aim of this blog is to help you to still show up and serve your people in a way that feels really aligned and good right now, amidst aaaall the BS that’s going on. And to loosen the economic strain some of you might be feeling - cause people aren’t buying as much, you’ve been laid off in your jobs, you can’t continue your in-person events, or whatever the reason you’re feeling strapped right now. It’s my job to make sure you’re still able to make money right now, no matter what - and I take this job very seriously!
Before we go ahead, I want to debunk the misinformed belief that there’s ‘nobody buying’ right now. Truth is, there’s so many people that aren’t in the industries that are being hit hard by this pandemic like hospitality and entertainment. There’s people who aren’t strapped right now, who are able to do their jobs from home, who are still getting paid while in self-isolation. There’s people out there who are still getting their normal paycheck, and thanks to #socialdistancing aren’t spending as much money as they normally would be cause they can’t fucking leave the house. Lol. You feel me? So get the idea that ‘nobody’s buying’ out of your head cause you’re gonna shoot yourself in the foot and block your blessings.
We, as leaders, need to be the light for our communities right now. There are going to be people that need coaches - need true leaders - now more than ever. So if you’re freaking out and people aren’t paying you, then you need to be changing the way you’re showing up right now.
Here are a few ways to make this pandemic your bitch and shine like the true leader you are:
Get creative with what you’re selling right now
You need to be looking at your product suite right now and re-evaluating what you can change and focus on, what you should be offering in this time that’s going to help serve your audience the best.
I’m definitely not saying stop selling your high ticket - if your audience is full of people who aren’t financially feeling the pinch, aren’t being laid off, or are ‘high vibe’ ‘super-in-their-feminine’ types that are immune to all the fear going on right now, then keep on fucking selling!
Don’t change anything!
Buuuut if your audience is in fear right now, then you need to be catering for that. AKA getting creative and scaling your low cost offers. In fact, this is the PERFECT time to build out your lower cost offers that you never have time to build! #silverlinings
With all this time in forced quarantine and self-isolating, nobody can say that they have a shortage of free time to spend getting creative and putting together that product suite that they’ve been putting off forevs because they’ve been ‘too busy’. So, instead of spending your time in quarantine making a dent the shape of your ass on the couch and burning through everything Netflix has to offer, use this time to get shit done!
Yes, your business model might look different right now, you might have to do negotiated rates. Full disclosure, I just offered someone a 3 month contract at a lower cost for my private coaching which usually costs 80k/year. Purely because I fucking believe in her, I have the space to hold and I feel called to do so. And to make up for that, I’m scaling my lower cost offers.
Point is, my income looks different right now - and so might yours - but it doesn’t have to dramatically change.
You need to be thinking about the long game here, peeps - the time when all this shit blows over, which it will… which brings me to -
It’s time to truly SERVE as the leader you are!
One good thing has come out of this bullshit and that is that soooo many of your competitors aren’t showing up right now cause they’re in fear. Their loss! Which means THIS is your time to step up, when everyone else is taking a step (or six - and running into their homes and preparing their apocalypse toolkit) back. This is your time to be remembered as the LEADER who stepped the fuck up and took control and served her people when everyone else was too busy locking themselves in a cupboard and hoarding their cash.
If you are coming from an empathic place of how can I help, how can I be a light in this moment, then you will be rewarded for it. It’s a simple law of energetic exchange. Sure, maybe not tomorrow - but down the line, in the long term, you will be rewarded. When you come from a place of service and love and excitement - when you’re asking ‘how can I be of service right now?’ instead of worrying about putting food on the table, the long term economic swing will be in your favor.
You’re going to be the one that people are going to work with when things settle the fuck down (and they will, lovebugs, I promise you that). You’ll be remembered as the person who showed the fuck up and was there for your people when nobody else was. And also, if you’re showing up from a place of service you WILL be provided for by the Universe. You will be supported, some way, somehow. The Universe needs people like you who are spreading light and love and being leaders right now to help it to usher in this new Age, so it will make sure you are being provided for.
I want you to ask yourself - am I coming from a needy place when I’m pricing my shit, or am I coming from an abundance/service mindset right now? And if it’s the former, stop worrying about the monetary gains right now because it will come back to you tenfold later. Have some faith in the higher power, sister, and know that good karma is on it’s way to you.
Plant the seeds, only worry about the baseline income you can make, show up and serve for free or be providing low cost offers to help people in ways you’ve never helped before and people will hire you down the line. It’s as simple as that. But while you’re doing that, helping all the people who are in fear and lack right now, make sure you’re taking the necessary precautions…
Protect your motherfuckin’ energy
If you’re entering into this industry, then there’s a good chance you’re highly sensitive or empathetic to the energy and feelings of others - why the fuck would you have a desire to help people otherwise? Which means that right now it’s motherfucking CRUCIAL for you to be protecting your energy with all of this dense, heavy, fear-based bullshit that is penetrating the collective consciousness. A lot of people are living in fear right now, and look, I don’t blame them because they simply don’t know any better. They’re not #woke like you and I ;)
But because you are #woke, because you have your faith, and you know how the Universe rolls, then you know you need to be prioritizing keeping your vibe high and staying in your lane, no matter what. You need to be staying in a vibration of hope and love, so you can shine that light out to your people who desperately need you to.
So that means: no more aimlessly scrolling through social media, no more refreshing your bank account every 5 seconds and absolutely NO listening to your negative Nancy neighbor and their doomsday shit - yes, Sharon, I am aware how many cases there are in Los Angeles, I’m frankly just disappointed you’re not one of them.
Make an effort to minimize your communication with people who are super draining - of course you still need to hold love and compassion for them because it’s your job to, but limit the time you spend around them because it will ultimately take its toll. Take the time to meditate, ground and put up a protective circle of high vibe energy around you.
If you’re feeling the stress, the fear and the anxiety, it’s fully normal, but try as much as you can to be transmuting that into love and looking for the silver linings by asking yourself better questions like -
How can this be working for me?
How can I be helping right now?
How can I be used for good in these challenging times?
Take the time every day to connect back with your higher self, your internal guidance system and see the truth of the matter, not the doom and gloom the media and your pain in the ass neighbor wants to feed you.
We are so good, lovebugs. We are so protected and supported, even in these challenging times - especially in these challenging times! Where everyone sees negatives, I see opportunities right now. The unprecedented opportunity to be remembered as the pioneers, the ones who went first, who stepped the fuck up as leaders. Your efforts will not just be felt by you - cause you’ll be feeling so much calmer - but everyone you touch.
The whole world will be more secure after this pandemic because of our leadership in this moment. That’s how big this opportunity is. That’s just the scope and depth of the gifts that will come out of this. So I ask you, are you committed to leading? Are you committed to service right now? Are you feeling the call to step up and be the light that the world so desperately needs? I commit to help all of you that are out there, asking how you can show up and support the planet right now.
Tag me on instagram and facebook with #slayyourservice so we can start a motherfucking movement.
And FYI, if you’re still struggling to pivot, to figure out how the fuck to package your gifts or serve right now, then I got you - we’re currently working on a super affordable program unlike anything that I’ve ever done before. My new program Pandemic Paycheck will be rolling out soon, so keep an eye out slaydy bosses!
I fully commit to showing the fuck up for all of you and for guiding you through these tricky times. I am here for you, I got you, and I will not let you starve. That’s my promise. We’ve fucking got this, boo.