How I made 60k in sales from ONE post
Slayers, I have something to fucking say… I have never felt more compelled to say it than right now, in the current sitcho we find ourselves all in globally - AKA #pandemiclyf if you’ve been living under a rock this entire time. We are going through a huge time of change - love it, hate it, but it is what it is so get used to it lol - and there’s a mixed bag of how people are responding to this. Some people are making more money than ever (just sayin- I made 60k from one single post last week, so if you think that ‘nobody’s buying’ then you got another thing coming) and others are struggling to keep up.
Buuuut the common denominator, and the burning question I see being asked again and again in most of my masterminds is: how do I make more money and work less? I covered this in my most recent podcast episode so go check that out, but then come back here cause I’m about to condense this shit and make it reeeeal simple for you, lovebugs….
The truth is, slayers, everything I’m about to share with you comes under the umbrella of one pretty fucking simple thing:
If you want to make more money and work less, I neeeeed you to put some blinders on, sister.
Pretty much everything that you are gonna need to do (which I’ll be getting into in a sec) on this journey to make more and work less involves staying in your own fucking lane and not giving a single shit what other people are doing.
Allow me to get more specific…
Stop believing the bullshit
Guys… people don’t actually make the money they say they make online. So if someone is out there claiming they made 10k in 5 minutes and they have the *only* strategy or funnel that is going to help you to replicate those results, then frankly they are full of shit. Seriously. This is why I’m so open and transparent with y’all about my expenses and numbers - there’s a lot of noise out there and it’s easy to get lost believing some inauthentic person who is claiming to be a motherfucking money making guru with #alltheanswers when the reality is they are struggling to pay their rent.
You need to stop believing what people are claiming on social media because a lot of the time it’s not true, and by extension stop thinking that the way *they* are doing things is what you need to be doing (because it’s bringing them so much success that it’ll surely work for you, too). No one person has all the fucking answers, so if you think so-and-so is making more money than you, unfollow them and stop obsessing about it.
Stop comparing your business to how Workaholic Madison (or whoever the fuck it is that you’re stalking) is showing up. She might be posting a bazillion cool content ideas and posts every day and you might think that equates directly to money in the bank for her, but actually it’s not achieving shit. Just because she has the desire to hustle her tits off and burn out, it doesn’t mean that that strategy is going to work for you - nor is it going to be the most efficient use of your time. Which brings me to…
Stick with what works for you
Lovebugs, if you already have a launch strategy that works for you then stick with that. There is no need to fix what ain’t broken, you feel me? Just because someone else is doing some flashy, complicated funnel or they have some strategy that looks different to yours, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the better way of doing things or that it’s going to bring you bank.
So many people look outside of themselves for genius or inspiration and fail to recognize that they actually have everything they need, within them (cheesy, I know).
Again, you never know what someone else is really making because so many people online are simply full of shit #shotsfired.
What you can trust - what is going to get you making more money in less time - is your own gut, your own downloads from Source which give you insights on how you should be doing shit and what has worked for you in the past time and time again. You already have the perfect strategy within you, that is aligned to what your soul truly wants. And if we’re talking about what your soul truly wants, then you better make sure you do this next thing, too…
Drop the guilt
Peeps you need to drop the fucking guilt around working less and making more, or around making a lot of money. It’s just a thing and people let it mean something about them based on how they are feeling personally. We assign judgements to this neutral ‘thing’ called money, and equate being a shitty person to working less and making more, or being sleazy if you made 60k of sales off one post. Which means that our shadow or our beliefs around it, our desires to not be a ‘shitty person’ are going to cockblock us from downloading the strategy to work less and make more.
The reality is, if you feel good about serving and doing it easily, if you are called to work less and make more, it’s not a bad thing. It’s not a good thing. It’s not anything. It just is what it fucking is, fam. In fact, if you are able to make more and work less than you have more energy to show up and serve. Which I see as a pretty fucking big win, don’t you?
So drop the guilt about having money, or allowing things to be easy. We have this pretty broken paradigm (that is on its way out, thank fuck, hello #NewWorldOrder) around this hustle mentality that you need to work your tits off to make bank and that the only way to make a shit tonne of money is to work 25/8. When really, the laws of the Universe are designed to bring you what you want with minimal effort.
And when we’re talking minimal effort, you better believe that 7 figure entrepreneurs aren’t out there trying to do #allthethings themselves...
Think like a millionaire
If you want to make the kind of bank that a millionaire makes, then you need to start acting, thinking and showing up like a millionaire. Lol… what the fuck does that mean, Jamie?
Firstly, to be making that kinda money with ease or working less hours, you need to be prepared to be investing money into your business - AKA outsourcing shit that takes up your time and building a team to support you. Full disclosure peeps, I lay out anywhere from 10-40k in monthly expenses, depending on who I am paying at the time. That’s the amount that I invest in growing my team and support system.Focus on stuff like being a better leader for your people and giving them all the resources and direction they need to be able to do their jobs to the best of their ability.
Secondly, you need to be thinking in terms of scalability - AKA looking at your product suite and creating different offers and different tiers for your audience. Peeps, I get money landing in my account on the reg that is coming from landing pages or masterminds I launched months ago. Whether I launch something or not, I have consistent 50k months. I want you to think about that and allow it to sink in, I’m not saying it to be an asshole.
If you want to be making that bread with ease then you need to have different levels of offers that are out there and are automated so people can onboard with minimal effort from you. Do you think rich people think in terms of ‘one client at a time’?
Hells fucking no, they’re out there helping the masses with the most streamlined, automated system possible.
Well, that’s it for now, slayers! I love you, I hope this was super fucking helpful… to recap quickly: find people to outsource to, build your product suites, stop paying attention to what Workaholic Madison is doing and stop believing the bullshit that people are putting online.
Pssst - if you’ve loved this blog, and you’re at the level of really scaling, working less and making more and making 60k off one post, then the 7 Rings Mastermind is for you. Check it out! And just sayin’, if you’re not quite at that level yet, I’ve got many offers for whatever level you are at and will be launching a few low cost offers soon, so watch this space!