How To Make Money as an Empath

how to make money as an empath during a pandemic

Slayers, I’ve noticed a trend in most of my really empathic “feeling” clients lately - in fact it’s something that I noticed within myself a long time ago, before I corrected it - and it’s a repeated energetic pattern that is getting in the motherfucking way of being able to make maaaaad bank during this pandemic. 

And yes, Lindsay, you CAN make maaaad bank right now. I know it’s hard for you to believe, but some of my clients right now are literally having their BIGGEST months ever. Pandemic or not. Period. So don’t tell me ‘ohhh nobody’s buying because of xyz right now’ because I’m about to call you out on your bullshit… and I will begin in doing this by dropping this #TruthBomb right here, right now, and that is: corona virus didn’t fuck up your business, your energy did. 

Oh daaaaayum. No she di-n’t. 

What’s really happening right now, isn’t that “people aren’t buying”... it’s that people are afraid to sell right now, because they don’t believe people ARE going to buy. I’ve seen people in my groups and programs actively looking for reasons why people can’t buy their shit right now. 

Fo’ real. They’re afraid people are too broke, too poor, they don’t have the funds right now, it’s not right to sell to them because they’re in fear… whatever fear based response is getting in the way of them closing sales. These people are allowing themselves to spiral out of control, buying into the fear and bullshit behind this whole pandemic sitcho and it’s energetically influencing their ability to make money. They’re watching the news, seeing all the people out of jobs and getting sick and whatever other negative BS the media constantly shows us… so they’re taking it on as truth. Which then blocks them from coming up with creative ideas to pivot, it blocks them from attracting in clients who are ready to buy, and just further exacerbates the belief that ‘nobody’s buying right now’. Which is totes #Spiralling, you feel me? 

I talked about this on my latest podcast episode (see below) if you’re an auditory learner and you’d prefer to listen to this with the ambience of my kids coming in to interrupt every 5 minutes in the background (lol, cause this is the way shit is now, peeps). 

But I digress, slayers. If you’re nodding along like ‘oh fuck, she got me’ and you’re not making money right now because you are empathic AF, then this blog post is for you! 

I’m going to get stuck into the 3 things that you need as an empath to be able to sell the fuck out of whatever it is you are selling and be pandemic proof - whether that’s coaching or consulting, physical products, or whatever else. Buuuut first, I want to preface that by saying a few things...

Firstly, know that what you're selling and offering may look different right now, and that’s totally ok! I’m talking about low cost offers, scholarships, pay-what-you-can and sliding scales for those who are having a hard time. 

Secondly, you need to be asking yourself what you’re actually going to do with that money? Who are you gonna hire? We need business owners to hire people right now… this is a call to action to all of you out there that are in a position to be scaling and growing your team. We need to be circulating the energy of money. When you start putting the energy of ‘well this sale is actually going to help me scale my business and employ some people’ behind it, the charge behind it becomes soooo much stronger because it becomes about the greater good for all beings, not just for you and what that sale is gonna mean for your life. It’s the Universal Law of Oneness, peeps. Look that shit up. 

Okay, now that’s all out of the way, I’m going to hit you with the 3 things you need as an empath to be #PandemicProof and to be making sales right now.

3 Things You Need as an Empath:

A belief in yourself

Slayers, you need to believe that you are fucking amazing at what you do, that you are so capable of doing it and that you are worthy of having everything that you desire. 

People are not going to buy your shit if you don’t believe, without a shadow of doubt, that you are the fucking #tits, that you know exactly what you’re doing and that you are the best (wo)man for the job. You need to hold a strong AF belief that there are none out there that do shit the way you do, that you’re unfuckingstoppable, you are unique and that your special flava flav or spin on things is valuable and can’t be accessed anywhere else. If you don’t believe in and take the chance on yourself, how do you expect someone else to believe in and take the chance on you? Mhmmm… I thought so.

When you start showing up with the belief that you’re amazing, you’ll start seeing people respond to you in that way. You will attract soul clients who think you’re the #BeesKnees and are totes #obsessed with you because they see the value in who you are as a person, what you do and what you’re here to share with the world. 

You gotta believe it before you can see it, lovebugs. Remember that!


A belief in what you’re selling

The next thing you have to have a belief in, is what you’re selling.

If you can’t get your energy wholeheartedly behind what you’re selling - whether that’s a physical product or a transformation you facilitate for someone - and you can’t be a fully body fuck yes about something, then guess what, boo… your audience won’t be able to either. Which means it ain’t creating sales. Wa-wowww.

You need to live and breathe this shit, you need to be so passionate about the benefits of this product/transformation/course/program that you’re shouting off rooftops about how fucking amazeballs it is, that you have a burning desire to tell everyone you know about it because you don’t want them to miss out. You need to become the poster child, the #1 fan, the advocate for it, the face of this product/course/program. You need to be excited and sharing that excitement with that people. People buy with their emotions largely, so if you can influence their emotions and get them as excited as you are about what you’re selling, you’re going to watch yourself sell the fuck out pretty damn fast. Yes, even now when “nobody’s buying”. Lol.

A belief in your clients

Lastly, lovebugs, you need to believe in the person who will be buying what you’re offering. You need to believe that they actually exist for them to show up in your physical reality. That out of your entire audience, there are 5-10 people that are actually watching - even if they’re hiding in the background - who are financially able to click buy right now. That it’s possible.

If you don’t believe anyone’s gonna buy, why the fuck would you show up and sell? You wouldn’t, slayers, and that’s what’s happening with so many of you empaths right now.

Not only that, but you need to believe in the ability for these people to get value or results from what you are selling, that it’s actually going to be life changing and huuuuugely influential for them… so why the fuck wouldn’t they show up and buy?! They NEED that right now - I’m particularly looking at you, business coaches! The world has never needed business coaches so badly! You need to believe in the power of the transformation, and the strength in the people who are willing to show up and take the steps necessary. That they want to change, and that they can change. 

That they’re willing to take that leap with you.



When you have these three beliefs in place and you really lock them in energetically into your system, there is literally NO reason why you won’t sell right now. 

Energy is everything, slayers. Particularly for empaths. Right now we are moving into an exciting time on Earth where energy takes preference, where 10% of the energy creates 90% of the results. So I really strongly advise you to get your vibe in order, work through any blocks you have to any of the above beliefs and RELEASE THAT SHIT, cause it’s just going to keep you believing the BS lie that you have to be broke and struggling during this pandemic.  If you need some help removing some of these beliefs and blocks, check out my free shit on my website because I’ve got some resources for you to be able to do just that! 

Stay sane, stay safe... and go sell some shit, boo!

Xo, Jamie

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how to make money as an empath during a pandemic
how to make money as an empath during a pandemic