How to Become a Money Magnet
Today I want to talk about one of the two things in life we all want lots of, think about alllllll of the time and yet it’s still considered taboo to bring up at the dinner table with your in-laws.
Sadly, lovebugs, I’m not talking about having mind bogglingly good sex (although *mental note* that would make a great blog post for some other time).
I’m talking about moooo-ney!
Dolla dolla bills, y’all. Moolah. Ca$h.
I believe that money mindset and the energetics behind cultivating money is the #1 thing we should be teaching in schools but don’t. Instead it’s the thing we are all actively discouraged to talk about because it makes us look gross and greedy. Today I want to put all that BS aside and tell you all what you really want to know but are too embarrassed to ask.
I’m going to deep dive with you into how to become a money magnet and how to use the energetics behind money to your advantage.
Speaking of using things to your advantage - I thought writing this article was a great way to support the 3 day Magnetic Money Makeover challenge I’m running which you can totally join here, so you can all benefit from the things that totally CHANGED the game for me when it came to my relationship with money.
For those that don’t know me or my story (umm, where have you been, firstly lol) I’ve got a *bit* of a history when it comes to money. I once was a teen mom and beauty school dropout who was living paycheck to paycheck with 10k worth of credit card debt hanging over my head. True story. I started my now multi-million dollar business when I could barely afford to feed myself or pay rent.
My relationship with money formed primarily with the intention of paying off debt. I enlisted the help of super coach (and now friend) Amanda Frances and learnt everything I could learn about the energetics of money and the law of attraction and the course literally changed my entire life. In fact, since doing it I’ve remained debt free (well, ‘unproductive-debt’ free, anyway... go over here and read last week’s blog post where I shared why successful entrepreneurs use ‘productive debt’ to their advantage).
The things I learnt with Amanda were so amazing, so life changing that I do this course every single year without fail - re-evaluating my money mindset and beliefs all the time. And I can see a massive fucking difference when I fall off the band wagon and don’t do these techniques even for a little while. I start falling out of alignment with money and getting caught in these ‘quick-fix’, ‘sugar-high’, ‘bandaid’ purchases that don’t actually raise my vibration to where I want it to be or support my business and personal growth.
Money mindset to me is more intricate and much more important to grasp than financial practical tools (and FYI, if practical financial tools is what you’re after then my Unfuck Your Money course will help you to learn practical ways to tackle debt, get on top of your money and get yourself financially organized).
Why is it more intricate and important? The ‘practical tools’ don't change. But the challenges and inner demons you have to face on this journey are always evolving with your growth.
Which brings me to the first step to becoming a money magnet - healing your relationship with money, no matter where you are at in your evolutionary process.
The 4 Steps to Becoming a Money Magnet
Money isn’t the enemy, lovebugs - your attitude towards it is.
You need to understand that money is here to support you and get you to where you want to be. It is a tool, it is energy. It is not something to be afraid of, nor to secretly despise. It is not something to cling to out of fear it’ll never return. It’s not something to be envious of or anxious about.
In order to heal your relationship with money you need to dig deep and determine what your current beliefs and relationship with it is.
Consider the following:
Looking at your life and how money shows up currently, what does that say about your relationship with money?
How are you treating it?
How do you speak about money?
How do you act/feel when you have it?
How do you act/feel when you don’t?
What are your beliefs around money?
What patterns do you see regarding money that your parents programmed in you growing up?
Once you’ve determined what your current relationship and starting point with money is, then you can get stuck into the next step - getting clarity around the exact amount of money you want to be making and getting into the vibration of having it already.
Deciding what amount of money you want and simply being (and remaining!) energetically aligned with the amount of money you want to bring in is pretty much your only job.
Literally. You don’t need to know how you’ll get there because that will all be revealed to you along the way.
Once you’ve decided that you want to make X amount or reach X point in your life/business/whatever, and you’ve intended it, your only job here is to get into the vibration of having what you wish to create. How do you do that?
Think about the amount you want to create…
How would you feel if you reached it?
Who would you be?
How would you act?What would your habits be?
What about your predominant thoughts about money?
How would you speak?
How would you dress?
You get the picture - you’re essentially determining what it looks like to be in vibration with that amount of money and ‘acting’ as if. You want to be acting from a place and feeling the emotions of the person who already has that money in the bank.
When you assume the identity of that person - their habits, emotions, thoughts - the money will show up because you’ll be in vibration with it. Law of attraction 101 peeps.
FYI if you’re doing all of the above and the money hasn’t shown up yet, it’s either because you’re not in alignment and you probably need to revisit step (1) again and do the inner work or because of divine timing.
Another possibility which I see all of the fucking time with people who are coming to me to ask about manifesting money is that you’re creating resistance because you’re all caught up in trying to understand or logicialize ‘how’ it will happen.
If I had a dollar every time I heard ‘Jamie, I want to make x amount of money… but how?’ I’d probably be a millionaire… oh wait, I am. Lol. Thanks for getting me here!
But in all seriousness… lovebugs, the ‘how’ doesn’t. fucking. matter.
Really. Truly. I promise. No word of a lie.
You don’t need to know or worry about the ‘how’ - do you want to know why? It’s not your job to!
When you’re co-creating with the Big U, with God, with your higher self, the “how” will be revealed to you along the way. You determine where you’re going, plug it into the cosmic GPS and then follow the directions it tells you. This is the beauty of co-creating - you might have no fucking idea how you’re going to get where you want to be, but if you follow your internal guidance system and you follow the clues, breadcrumbs and signs from the Universe and you trust that it’ll take you to where you wanna be, you’ll eventually wind up there in the end.
There’s really not a lot of work behind this step other than getting out of your own fucking way for five minutes and understanding the ‘how’ ain’t your fucking problem.
So if you’ve done these three steps - honestly and properly - the money should be in your hot little hands already or at least well on its way to arriving. If it’s not, repeat all three.
And once it’s arrived my loves, then proceed to step 4 (don’t skip it, it’s important!) before repeating the entire process again...
I’m sorry to say it, but this isn’t a ‘once only and it’s done’ kinda job.
You’re always going to be growing, evolving and changing mentally as you level up. It’s always going to be a case of ‘new level, new devil’ so the mindset and energetic work will literally never be finished. This is why it’s so important to develop a rinse + repeat process that can serve you and help you to break shit down at every level and new benchmark you want to reach.
‘But what if I’ve already reached the benchmark I wanted to? Then why do I have to repeat the work?’ you might be wondering.
There’s no point finally getting to six figures and blowing it all because you have a shitty relationship with money (lol literally me a few years ago) or you’re not an energetic match to that new level. There’s no point reading all of these books, doing all of these courses on money mindset but then not implementing what you’ve learned (lol literally me in the past too).
You need to learn how to become an energetic match to that new level so not only will you be able to stay at that level, but you’ll be able to grow from there, etc.
#TruthTime early on when I started making the big bucks, I fell into the story of “there’s always enough to go around” and “I’m abundant AF” and wasn’t paying better attention to the fact that my outgoings far surpassed my incomings. So you see why this shit is important, lovebugs? You could be making six figures and still be cash broke, living paycheck-paycheck unless you work the fuck on your money mindset and make sure you’re energetically aligned to the amount you want to bring in.
All you need to do is stay in alignment and not fall back into shitty money habits.
Easy peasy, right?
It is if you follow these steps religiously!
Aaaaand when you’re done all of that, as a bonus step - make a commitment to repeat, date and sign the Money Manifesto below which will help you solidify your epic new relationship with money...
The Money Manifesto
I (name) on (date) am committed to healing my relationship with money.
I choose to surrender what I do not know.
I promise to see the magnetic energy I am capable of putting into the world.
I am willing to be led by a force greater than me.
I am choosing to see my potential, not what I do not have.
I promise not to dwell in what was, or what happened but to dictate a new narrative of what is possible for me.
After today, I promise to not be swallowed by my ego, doubt or fear that wants me to believe I need to know ‘how’ this will all work out.
I trust that as soon as I become a match for my desires that (God, the universe, whatever you believe in) will match whatever’s in my heart.
I am choosing to feel safe, supported and loved by money and God from this day forward.
With all of my heart and soul,