7 Money Making Habits of Wealthy People

7 money making habits of wealthy people

In all my time and travels throughout my journey to being where I am, I have been in the rooms with some of the biggest players in the world. 

Motherfuckin’ baller$. Wealthy AF businesspeople.

The kind of people who would see your entire life savings as chump change (sorry, not sorry). 

Just for the record, when I say “wealthy AF business people” I want to make something crystal clear. There is a looooot of BS floating around on the internet - particularly in the coaching space - about people who are externally projecting “wealth” but in reality don’t have two pennies to rub together. People who say they have money - they brag about the 10k in sales they made in one business day - but are secretly broke AF. 

People who make a certain level of income and spend it all just maintaining the outward appearance of a wealthy person in the form of designer clothes, shoes, cars, apartments. 

You know the people I’m talking about. *shots fired*

I’m talking about actual wealthy people - people that use money to make more money, have assets, investments. People that understand how money works. 

I’ve had a pretty good chance to observe these rare creatures in their natural habitat and in all of my observations of these people I have come to see commonalities in the habits they share. There are certain reasons why they are able to amass and maintain this level of wealth and abundance. It’s not by accident, but by design. A design that anyone can implement and watch the abundance flow the F in. 

Anyone… including YOU. 

You feelin’ me?

I want this lifestyle for you, lovebugs. I want you to experience all of the abundance that I have had the privilege of experiencing in my lifetime. I want you to become a money magnet! 

And FYI, if you want to know what your Money Magnetism level currently is (before implementing the habits I’m about to share with you, of course) then I created this awesome quiz so you can see where you need some work, with tailored journal prompts and affirmations for whatever stage you’re at as a gift for finishing.

So take that quiz, but then come back because I’m about to share with you the 7 money making habits of wealthy people. 

This piece isn’t going to be about “how to invest money” or “what you need to be budgeting” or any of that practical shit. From my own experience and from what I’ve observed, it’s actually not the practical shit which brings the majority of the results. Of course you need to do the practical stuff, but if you really want to become wealthy you need to understand the energetics behind being a wealthy person. The laws of money, the law of attraction, getting into the vibration of what it feels like to be a millionaire.

Half of the reason the wealthy people I am talking about are so wealthy is because they truly believe that they deserve wealth, that it is their right, that making money is fun and easy. 

You might want to roll your eyes at all the ‘woo’ stuff, but frankly that’s largely what I attribute my own roaring success to. Affirmations, journaling myself rich, visualizing the money in the bank, acting like I was rich already. 

Put simply - this shit works! 

So, without further ado, here are the 7 habits of wealthy people that you can implement today if you want to be sitting at the table with the big players.

7 money making habits of wealthy people kylie jenner

The 7 Habits of Wealthy People


One of the most key things that these people have in common is that the attitude they have towards money and towards where they were at every stage of their wealth. 

At every point in their journey towards becoming wealthy, they expressed gratitude at where they were. They were incredibly grateful for the money they did have and never focused on the money they didn’t. They were already in the knowing of the next level that was coming to them - they knew it was coming, they had decided it was coming. 

They were able to sit in grateful anticipation that it was on its way.

They didn’t sit around saying ‘well, I’ve hit one million dollars in revenue but I really wanted to hit three million and therefore it’s not enough.’ 

They said ‘holy fucking shitballs! I’ve hit one million dollars in revenue, how lucky am I?!’ 

These people do not have a ‘lack’ mentality. 

They know that gratitude attracts more money to them - that the more they spend, the more will return to them. They give freely, they donate and they have a belief that everything they give out will return tenfold. They certainly don’t regret spending money or avoid doing it altogether. They have a healthy relationship with money. 

How can you start to put this into practice daily? Reflect on the following:

  • What sort of relationship do you have with money? 

  • Are you grateful for what your current level of money enables you to afford? 

  • Are you grateful for that one client you have?

  • Are you grateful for any and every bit of money that comes your way? 

And if we’re talking about gratitude, slayers, then you best be paying attention to whether you’re expressing that gratitude verbally.


You would never, ever, ever (really, everrrr) hear one of these wealthy people using the phrase “I can’t afford it” or “I don’t have the money”. Not a fucking chance. 

This is an important one.

You probably already know a lot about the law of attraction, but in a nutshell what you focus on expands. 

You get what you think about. 

You attract what you are on an equal vibration to.

Your words have power. 

You speak things into existence. 

Your language attracts more of that which you are describing into your life. 

Basically, the universe hears what you are speaking about and conspires to bring you more of that. 

So you better not be out there bitching and moaning about “omfg I’m so broke” and “I don’t have any money” because guess what, lovebugs… where attention goes, energy flows. If you’re always talking about how little money you have, you’re just going to attract more broke-ness.

Even if your situation doesn’t allow for you to go spend 10k tomorrow, you can phrase it in a way that acknowledges that even though you don’t have it right now, the money is coming.

Swap “I can’t afford it” for something like “It’s not a priority, right now…” or “I am choosing to invest in other things right now”, “I will buy it later”.

It’s about understanding that the language you use literally has a vibration to it, and so always, always, always using positive language when you speak about money. In fact, positivity is key to attracting money. 


Wealthy people have an unwavering belief in their ability to make money.

They constantly reflect and review on all the times money came out of the woodwork for them, they’ve randomly received a cheque in the mail, they’ve signed on a massive client out of the blue. They have an incredibly positive attitude about their ability to make more money, and any time they’ve even *slightly* begun to worry they have gone back and found proof from their past that money will always show up for them. They have found the hard evidence to back it up. 

Make a list of all the ways money has shown up randomly or miraculously for you. 

Of all of the clients you’ve signed up or deals you’ve made. 

And if you’re really early on your journey and don’t have too many of these examples to fall back on in your own life then look to the people around you - your colleagues, mentors or friends. Decide that if it’s possible for them, then it’s possible for you, too!

7 money making habits of wealthy people khloe kardashian


This is the crux of the whole blog post, peeps. This is why I am able to write these 7 habits of wealthy people, because I did literally this step over and over again (and still do). 

I put myself in the room with wealthy people and learned from them.

People that actually have money have a habit of surrounding themselves with people that have more money than them. They are friends with expanders - people who inspire them and push them to be better versions of themselves. They are friends with people who they can learn from, they can observe, who they can get rich from osmosis just by being around. By being around these people they can observe their routines, their habits, their language, their attitudes. 

They are constantly ensuring they are the poorest, dumbest, least successful person in the room and surrounding themselves with people who push them to be better or that they can learn from. 

Ask yourself about the people that currently surrounding you right now:

  • Are they expanders or are they keeping you small?

  • Who can you afford to spend more time with?

  • Who is someone who inspires you and that you’d benefit from being around more often?

  • Where can your friend list get a cull?

As the saying goes, lovebugs, you’re only as good as the company you keep.


Wealthy people believe that debt isn’t inherently “bad”, that it can be used as a tool for good. Amassing points, investing in things that will give you a decent ROI down the line. 

But before you go “oh what, rich people don’t think debt isn’t bad? Sweet! I’m going to go take my credit card and max it the fuck out!” know this…

There are two different kinds of debt - productive debt and non-productive debt. If you are taking on debt (racking up a credit card to enlist the help of a coach or whatever) then that ROI should be a higher percentage than the payments you’re going to pay on that debt. 

Think about Donald Trump (love him or hate him) - he has hundreds of millions of dollars of debt all the time. He declares himself as bankrupt all the time. He clearly doesn’t believe debt is bad. He uses it and reinvests it. 

Debt is an energetic tool, just like money. It’s about racking up enough points from using these credit card companies to get a ROI from your “debt”. For instance, 90% of the flying I did last year was on frequent flier points alone. I get 3% more money back when I use a credit card. There are good reasons to get yourself into a bit of healthy debt, as long as you’re paying it off in time and making sure the ROI is higher than payments you need to make.


I wrote a whole blog post about this a while ago, but you neeeeed to understand that there’s no such thing as a bad investment, lovebugs. The wealthy people I’ve been talking about certainly do! They are willing to take risks and are grateful for their learning experiences. 

They know that sometimes in order to get the reward, they need to take a risk. 

No risk = no reward. 

And sometimes those risks don’t pay off in the way they thought they would immediately, but the lessons they learn from these ‘bad investments’ are more valuable than the actual investment itself a lot of the time. Slayers, I appreciate every single investment I’ve made… especially the ones that went ass-up because those are the ones that have taught me the most valuable fucking lessons. They were the catalyst for the biggest growth for me. The lessons have actually enabled me to make more money down the line, so they have been worth every penny. 

You should see investments like this: either you get the ROI you expect, or you learn a crucial fucking lesson. Both are ridiculously valuable. Have gratitude for both. 


The fact is, even the most wealthy and abundant people get triggered by money. Nobody is exempt from their BS limiting beliefs. New level, new devil - as the saying goes. 

Whenever you reach a new level, you’re just going to be triggered by the same niggling beliefs you thought you dealt with. Guess what, slayers - you’ve never truly dealt with them and they’re going to keep coming up and triggering you forever until you die… or as long as you keep wanting to grow and expand. #SorryNotSorry 

This is why every single wealthy person I’ve ever met has a practice in place for when these triggers arise. They are constantly doing the inner work on themselves at every new level they reach. Their money mindset is pinnacle to their growth and they know that. They are constantly re-evaluating what is real and what is true and who they are

Mindset practices - whether that be mindfulness, meditation, manifestation, journaling, whatever tool that works for you -  are crucial because there are always going to be growth-ceilings and your personal growth never stops.

Which brings me to what I want to say in summary…

All of the above things are called ‘habits’ for a reason. You need to be practicing these so frequently and automatically that they become a part of your personality... you assume the identity of a wealthy person. 

Because if we want to talk about quick ways to get into the money making vortex, it’s showing up and embodying the version of yourself who is already wealthy AF. It’s doing everything that that version of you would do - namely, practicing the above 7 habits on autopilot. 

It’s called quantum leaping, collapsing timelines, whatever you want to call it and it’s the fastest way to manifest anything. Especially wealth. I won’t get into it today, because that’s a whoooole discussion in itself, but know that at the deepest and most simple level its this:

The manifestation of wealth shows up when you are acting, thinking and speaking in the way a wealthy person would.

So ask yourself today and every day What Would Wealthy-me Do (WWWD) and do that.

Do this on the reg and you’ll be rollin’ round in piles of money quicker than you could imagine.