How To Build 6-Figure Authority Quickly
Slaydy-bosses, I want you to get to a point where you fiercely STAND behind your belief in yourself - like you know you’re a big fucking deal and that knowing exudes through every fibre of your being… and not in an asshole way, just in a way that positions you as an authority.
People meet you and instantaneously they are like ‘holy shit, hey, this chick knows what’s up, I need to work with her’ because that authority, that confidence, that knowledge oozes out of your pores. Lovebugs, if you want to hit 6 figures, you need to be acting like the version of you who already has that 6 figures. You need to be showing up and putting yourself in the room with people who have already attained the level of success you want to attain and holding your own. Playing at the high rollers table.
#RealTalk, I was only making 30k a year in my Beach Body affiliate marketing business when I started showing the fuck up with my 6-figure authority and zoomed pretty quickly forward to actually being a 6-figure coach. Truth is, I looked more successful than I actually was (fake it til ya make it, am I right?) and people bought it. How?
Building a six figure authority (and quickly) isn’t as hard as it sounds - it’s all about an attitude you exude and I’m going to teach you how to cultivate that in this blog. My intention for you is that you’re going to walk away from reading this blog DECIDING that today is the day that you go all in with your energy, with your authority.
You start to believe, today, right the fuck now, that you’re a biiiiiig fucking deal. Not tomorrow, not when we’ve ‘made it’, not when we’ve hit a specific goal… NOW.
You feel me? Let’s get started.
How To Build 6-Figure Authority:
Go ALL the way in
I remember when I started my coaching business - for me it was a life or death (ok maybe I’m being a tad dramatic) situation whether people took me seriously or not. My life was contingent on it - I had mountains of medical bills piling up and I needed this to work out for me. I was a blonde fitness coach - not doing so great, might I add - when I decided this is it - I’m going alllll the fucking way in. Not half-assing it. Not dipping my toe. I was jumping out of that plane, closing the door behind me and praying to the good lord that my parachute caught my cute butt on the way down. What did that look like in “real life” terms? I hired an assistant and a business coach and I was negative 10k in the hole when I took the plunge. And guess what? It paid off…
I was so invested, so full-body-fuck-YES to my business that people felt it. People were lining up to work with me because they could sense that authority, that Big Vagina Energy and they needed to be around it. Even if I’d never done this shit before. I was making 10k months in no time.
THAT’S the kind of energy you need to have if you want to be seen as an authority - you need to go ALL the way in and COMMAND it. You need to DECIDE you’re an authority, you need to DECIDE you want this and there is not one single fucking thing in the world that is going to get in your way.
Once you’ve decided - this is it, this is what we’re doing now, it’s a thing - then please, for the love of God, make sure you’ve got this next thing covered, too, because it’s going to seriously influence your ability to show up like the badass motherfucking authority you are.
Stop underselling yourself!!
I see people who are just starting out do this allllll the fucking time and it’s gotta stop. They think that they can’t show up with that 6 figure authority because they don’t actually have the authority or qualifications to do so.
They’re out there thinking “well wtf do I know? I am a single working mom who has never run a business before…” Lovebugs - that IN ITSELF gives you street cred! The ability to not only hold your shit together, but take care of your kids, work full time AND have this side biz in the works without losing your shit and totally falling to pieces - um, ex-queeeeeze me but that takes a level of #skillz that some people would never dream of attaining.
Point is, there’s soooo much more that goes into your authority as a 6-figure coach than your coaching accolades or certifications. You need to stop underselling yourself and your abilities - even if it’s shit you don’t think is a big deal cause it just comes to you naturally. Stop thinking because you haven’t been in your biz for ten years you don’t deserve the right to be drawing in all the soul clients, making all the income or talking on stages across the globe.
I want you to go, right the fuck now, and make a list for me of all the things you’ve acheived in your life that make you so worthy of passing the gauntlet on and leading the way for the women you’ll teach. And then add on to that list all of your “soft skills” and strengths - your natural skills, abilities and personality traits.
And then try to tell me you’re not ready for this shit.
Dedicate yourself to learning
Another thing that helps you to show up like you know what the fuck you’re talking about is going out and learning anything that you feel like you need to be able to pull this off and you don’t know how to do yet. Investing in courses, books, workshops, whatever form that needs to be - FYI free shit still counts and I’ve got looooads of resources here that you can check out to help you grow your knowledge base and feel more confident about showing the fuck up.
It’s not only learning, but practicing and implementing the things that you learn so you can actually teach this shit. Don’t just go impulse buy a bunch of courses (cause Jamie said so) and leave them untouched because that’s not really gonna help you to integrate that knowledge, is it? Lol.
Use it or lose it, as the saying goes. The more you put this stuff into practice, the more it’ll solidify for you and you’ll feel like it just comes naturally. The more you master it, the more excited you become to teach it, you’re like ‘yeah I got this shit down!’
When investing in yourself or doing more research or developing your skills, I want you to think about:
What holes do I currently have in my knowledge base or expertise?
What skills or additions can I add in that compliment my natural skills and abilities?
Who can I already see in the industry embodying that skill/trait/wisdom/knowledge that I would like to learn from?
It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out, or you’ve been doing this for ages… there is ALWAYS more to learn, more to consume, more ways you can grow and develop. As humans we are always growing and evolving, there is always gonna be some way you can level up and improve your game. The learning never stops! So get used to it, bitches.
And while you’re out there learning some cool shit, I want you to be sharing that knowledge and practicing it with everyone you can - for free, if you’re not comfortable charging just yet. Go live and talk about it, write about it, beta test your shit and offer free sessions in exchange for testimonials… which brings me to-
No clients to sing your praises? No problems!
When you’re just starting out, because you haven’t had official paid clients before, you might feel like you don’t have anybody who is gonna testify to your awesomeness and act as Social Proof for the amazing work you do. Nobody is gonna back you up when you’re out there claiming that you’re The Tits.
But just because a client isn’t a paid client - or even an official client - doesn’t mean their testimonials don’t count. You feel me? Use your friends, your family, the people around you, your conversations in your DM’s, your discovery calls, to build up your testimonials. Trade your time for a written review, ask the people you’re helping for free for honest feedback and to give you a little write up at the end. Think of the review or testimonial like an energetic exchange, similar to what you’ll be doing when you ask for money in exchange for your services.
The truth is (and this isn’t being misleading or in-genuine because you really did help the people who wrote testimonials) people out there who are looking at your website or your FB page don’t actually know whether the review is from a paid client or not. And frankly, it doesn’t fucking matter. If you’ve helped one person, if you’ve gotten them the results then it’s valid.
You did it. It’s a thing.
You can claim that shit… and you should be claiming that shit!
Slayers, by now you should have a pretty good idea of some things you can do to start owning your badassness, owning your authority as a leader and a big fucking deal. Do these things and you’ll be able to show up in that Big Vagina Energy that it takes to go from ‘showing up as a 6-figure authority’ to actually ‘being that 6 figure authority’.
FYI, speaking of #BigVaginaEnergy and showing up as an authority - if you’re not in the 6-Figure Street Cred Challenge then get your butt over there and join us because this training is everythiiiing. Even if you’re late (cause you’re reading this well after it’s started), you can still jump in. It’s the price of a coffee and you’ll have access for life... so in the words of Shia LeBouf “DO IT!”
That’s all from me today, lovebugs, now go out and declare your epicness to the world!