Top 5 Secrets to Building Your Mompreneur Empire While Not Losing Your Shit!

mompreneur tips

7 A.M. Staring blankly at a fuzzy computer screen, eyes crusted with last nights makeup, I chug my coffee, there is no sipping in this house.  I think the same thoughts every morning.

Maybe if I chug it, I will be able to come out of my new mom brain fog (it’s a real thing) long enough to focus on creating amazing content to post on my blog/Pinterest/Facebook communities/Instagram.”  

The last sip- Ahhhh, finally...I can think, and my computer screen looks slightly less like I’m on LSD.  “TIME TO GET MY HUSTLE ON!”  Then I hear it…”wahhh, wahhhh, mommamamamama!”  My latchling wakes at the exact moment I get some clarity,  write out my to do list, and get in the zone for the day.   She’s the youngest of my 3, and the most demanding.  I call her my Adorable Little Asshole, not to her face, of course.  But this baby has been my most strong willed, and wildest child.  She came at a time, when I least expected it...I was in the middle of building my 6 figure Mompreneur Business Coaching Empire.  I had set ridiculous goals for myself, and for our family...then came our little JoKing!  That’s right, her name, is Jo King, well, Audrey Jo King.  She was our happy accident, so I thought it would be funny to name her that way. 

Audrey is my only child that refused to take a bottle, so day care was/is out of the question.  Running two businesses, and helping my husband start his real estate investment business, all while waking up multiple times a night to put my boob in my tiny bosses mouth...IS EXHAUSTING.  Oh, and keep my other two tiny humans alive and nurtured in this crazy world.  

The number one thing all mompreneurs always ask me is, “How do you do it all? How do you keep so put together? How do you find the time? How do you stay so motivated? I’ll get to those answers next, but first….a little back story. I’m the queen of overwhelm, well I used to be!

Former corporate boss drop out, beauty school drop out, and college drop out. I battled my own worthiness issues for most of my post adolescent life.

I have my now, 11 year old daughter, I have my son, now almost 4, and my oopsie Audrey...11 months, and a near 4 year battle with postpartum anxiety.  

Ive been in business for 3 1/2 years.  My “aha,” moment To leave my corporate life came after I put my second in day care for the first time, first day back from maternity leave, pumping my tits in an airport bathroom Lexmark entrepreneurship.  

After 2-3 years of consistent $2-$3k months, I found myself working too much, hustling, and less flowing… that’s when I really started to dig into the feminine side of what I do.  I hired a business coach, got into a better morning routine, and started really connecting with my spiritual side.  I meditated, I read daily affirmations, I learned about the law of attraction, I hired an assistant, and I started working more in my zone of genius.  I delegated more of the shit I hated (contracts, spreadsheets, customer tracking, accounting) a lot of the not fun, masculine side of business.  

AND HOLY ISH! Everything took off! A month after working with my coach, I had my first five figure month, I finally got the flow, ease and clarity of business I had always dreamed about.  There are still moments of “oh shit!,” this isn’t working, it’s not going to can I make this work when I’ve had no sleep, the kids are home for snow days, and I can’t find the time to get anything done!? When I feel the overwhelm start to creep in, I go back to my affirmations, my mentors, my coach, I ask for guidance, I ask for help, and remember to give myself grace.  These moments, being a mom of 3 (2 under 4), will pass so quickly.  I know I will miss her crying for me at night, I know I will miss the cuddles, and the snow days.  My mompreneur empire, it’s growing just as fast as it’s supposed to, and the more I lean into “the suck,” with Grace and Gratitude, the easier it gets to stay on track.

So, if you are a mom, trying to build your side hustle, your home business, your online shop, your passive income streams, or if you are just trying to keep your future business dreams alive. Remember my Top 5 Secrets to Building Your Mompreneur Empire While Not Losing Your Shit!

  1. Set BIG ASS GOALS - This might sound intimidating, or counterproductive to keeping your cool, but I promise it’s important.  Like, make ya wanna throw up, kinda goals. Ones you think you can’t hit, but don’t worry, you’re gunna stretch yourself to become the girl that hits these goals. This is what will keep you motivated when you’re covered in spit up and you run out of coffee!

  2. Prioritize! When you make your daily to do list, start with your income producing activities first (returning sales calls, updating sales pages, posting engaging content on social media, writing your next pitch, or show up to give value to your following.) Whatever else doesn’t get done before the kids wake up, will wait until nap time!  Some days you will have to wake up early when you are exhausted, but I also don’t believe entrepreneurship should be hard. Listen to your body if it needs to rest,  but if you aren’t stupid excited to jump out of bed to get to work on your biz every morning, you might be in the wrong biz, do some soul searching and find your alignment! I never feel like I works day in my life with these strategies.

  3. Delegate- Don’t try and be super mom, and be everything for everyone.  If you are serious about running a BOSS business that SLAYS, outsource shit you aren’t good at, or aren’t in your Income producing activities column! Put systems in place that streamlines your business, or makes your life easier.  I promise it’s worth the $15/mo fee. You focus on spending as much time as possible in that money making zone! My first investment after my coach, was a VA, and I had no fcking clue how I was going to pay her.  But when I went all in. Rule of thumb, if it costs less than $100/hr for the service, and it’s gunna free up more of your time to spend in your money making zone, it’s worth it! 

  4. Feed Your Vibe- Your business will be a direct reflection of where you are as a human being.  You have to get serious about controlling your energy.  Make a list of what/who lights you up, and what drains you energetically.  Energy is everything as a business owner.  Especially if you are building a following on social media.  Learn to control your energy, self help books, and/or a good business coach can help with this! Create a self care strategy that makes you feel empowered! Get your nails done, go buy the dress, meditate, write in a journal, or take a walk in the park. Your vibe is the life fource of your business!  

  5. GRACE AND GRATITUDE- Give yourself grace, on days when shit is just hitting the fan. Don’t force it if it’s not working that day.  If it’s all going to hell, walk away from your work, take a deep breath, do some self care, and come back to it after you raise your vibe.  Putting negative energy into your work will make you burn out quickly.  No one likes a grumpy boss mom.  Gratitude, know this time will pass, remember to give thanks to everything you have accomplished so far, even if it’s just showering alone that day.  It’s a blessing to even live at a time when we can build a business with the internet, and live in a country that makes it possible for us.  And don’t forget to soak up the baby cuddles, your empire will be waiting for you when they are done. 


Jamie King-The Slay Coach

Business Coach and Passion Guide for Emerging Female Soulpreneurs

Apply For the Mini Mastermind for Female Biz Owners Ready to blow up their biz in 2018!

Photo Credit- Emma Jaimes Photography 2018