When the People Closest to You Don't Support Your Business


I’m ready to tell my most private story.

I lost my childhood best friends, and entire group that I thought were the closet people in the world to me. We went on trips together, were in each other’s weddings, all oft.

This story is I’ve held onto privately, for years...honestly, it was still kinda painful...but Im so happy to be on the other side of it now. And I’ve heard too many of my clients and fellow boss babes allowing this one thing to hold them back from their fcking divine birth right. And I hope this story makes just one babe feel brave enough to stand in her truth, regardless of who stays on board to support them.

When I decided, 4 years ago, to go on this entrepreneurial, self growth, and spiritual journey... I knew I would leave some people behind. I knew it would be painful, I knew I would be judged and ridiculed...

And....my fears became a reality.

I lost my entire group of childhood friends. I was made fun of, I was talked about poorly, I was judged for what I posted on social media.

I was told I was arrogant. They said It was “bragging” when I announced that I was quitting my job to pursue coaching full time, and staying home with my kiddos...

“Go post another selfie, get 30 likes. And feel good about yourself for the day.”

Was the exact quote.

I couldn’t understand it...how was me posting about gratitude for my business, and leaving the corporate life, a bad thing? How was I making people feel bad about themselves.

I had to learn then, about projection. They weren’t upset with me, they were projecting their own limitations and fears onto me.

I freaked, I got paranoid, I felt like garbage. I begged these people to love me, to stay around...I apologized, but it all fell apart.

What I didn’t see in that moment, was that it was all falling together. It was all making space for the people that are supposed to be in my life. The people that now make me feel brave enough to be bigger. That don’t want to keep me small.

Losing what I thought was everything besides my family, was THE BIGGEST blessing I’ve ever had in my life. Even if it didn’t feel like that in the moment. The space that opened in my life for my true friendship, true connection...was a huge missing piece in my life.

Change is hard, growth is scary af...but if you are holding yourself back from a bigger life, because someone wants you to be smaller...that’s their issue, not yours.

The people that truly love you, at a soul level, couldn’t be paid to leave you behind. And wouldn’t dream about holding you back from fulfilling your highest purpose.

We are meant to grow, and stretch, and serve. If you are being called to be bigger, it’s kind of an insult to god to ignore those bigger gifts.

Don’t be an asshole, be brave, be bigger. The world is waiting for your gifts.


The Slay Coach