The Real Dream Life

the slay coach dream life business blog

Boss babes...wanna know some real shit...this is my dream life.  9 times out of 10, my pics to articulate it, are far from Instagram worthy.

I went into business for myself almost 4 years ago, for these moments. I traveled so much with my corporate job, and it brought me to tears missing moments like this with my I leaped into entrepreneurship.

I’m living my dream life, and it doesn’t look like a staged photo shoot, or a perfectly  filtered insta photo.

The MOST perfect moments don’t always look like pics of me driving a fancy rental convertible, flying first class without my adorable asshole toddlers, or sipping cocktails by the sea.


I Woke up to baby cuddles, dropped the kids off at school, had a call with one of my business coaches, headed in for some IV vitamin therapy, took client calls, worked on training documents for my mastermind, got a massage, booked flights to Greece, booked flights to Mexico, took the second half of the day off and went to dinner with my mom at a winery.

I don’t always share my real life, but it’s enough, it’s’s my perfect dream.

I made a bigger impact today than I did in 6 months last year. I also made more money in an hour, than I did in a month last year.

Show me, make me smile with what your dream life looks like, that isn’t Instagram perfect 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

Happy Slaying!