Stop Procrastinating by Asking Yourself This One Question

how to stop procrastinating by the slay coach


How does this relate to procrastination? Let's see...Procrastination...where does it come from?

Why do I find myself doing it? I mean, why?  I've rewritten my old stories over and over again, into new versions of my best self.  I KNOW who I need to step into, to stretch myself, to get to that next level of growth.  I KNOW that I'm no longer the lazy, party girl, who quits when things get hard.  I know my ADD, does not define my success. I know my perceived limits are just a crutch to keep me comfortable and from doing the deeper work.

Even after 4 years of this self mastery game, of doing the inner work, of mindfulness, of manifesting, of getting coached by some of the best in the industry....Why do I still sometimes put shit off, even when it's something that excites me?

When I start to dig beneath the surface, I always find fear.  Fear of biggerness...fear of BIGGER failures. Fear of bigger judgements. Fear of BIGGER rejections.  I find my old unworthiness stories that my subconscious is still playing, to keep me small, to keep me safe, to keep me from being seen.  Because when I'm not seen, I can't be that time when I was made fun of in 6th grade when I wore my back brace to school for the first time, and that boy called me cardboard flat ass.

Being different, doing different things in life, being brave enough to step off of the beaten bath, and sharing that...calling yourself out for the greatness in you, is not arrogance, it’s necessary.  It's necessary to tell the truth about your journey out of fear, and to speak on your ascension into love and freedom.  The world needs more people like me and you to speak about our fears.  The world needs you to be seen for all of you, and your flaws...and to show off the light in you that reflects the inner work that that you've put in to help you ascend through the "safety zone" of which you were once a prisoner.  

Awareness+Discipline equals true freedom...freedom to create, be, do, whatever you please without the rules of others limitations that have been projected onto you.  Brendon Bruchard said it best. "Avoidance is the best long term strategy to ensure suffering." 

Are you leaning into the discomfort to ascend to your greatness?  Or are you choosing to avoid digging deeper into healing those old wounds, and choosing to stay afraid and small?

It's a choice we have to make everyday.  The work is never done, but I hope it helps to know that you are not alone!

Choose to Ascend today boo! You've got this!


The Slay Coach

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how to stop procrastinating
how to stop procrastinating