Top 5 Tips To Become an Influencer
What is an influencer? Well below is the standard definition, but really, everyone is an influencer over their peers, friends, and family.
An influencer is an individual who has the power to affect purchase decisions of others because of his/her authority, knowledge, position or relationship with his/her audience. An individual who has a following in a particular niche, which they actively engage with.
Here are my top 5 Tips to Become a Person with Influence
It matters, to show people that they matter.
Influence has very little to do with being seen, and EVERYTHING to do with seeing others. Humans crave genuine connection. They want to be seen, understood, valued. Engage with your followers, love on them, spend time to nurture real relationships.
2. Embrace the concept of micro-influence.
Making a big impact with a small amount of people can be very powerful. It's more powerful in terms of engagement then trying to make a small impact, with a large amount of people. It's not always about the number of followers you have, it's how engaged they are with your content and message. Micro influencers (5,000 followers or less) have engagement rates 2-3x higher than those of larger followings!
3. Focus on your niche.
"The Riches, are in the Niches, B*tches." That's what I tell my clients every day! Don't be afraid to niche down to something super specific! There are 8 billion people in this world, and the internet knows no boundaries. I have a client that helps women overcome Trictotilomania! A hair pulling condition, how unique, right?
4. Vulnerability
They need to see themselves in your stories. Speak your authentic truth, who you are, where you've been, and where you are going. Stories connect us to our followers, share your real life journey! No one loves perfect, I speak on my postpartum anxiety often. Drake makes fun of his own image before anyone else can.
5. Consistency
Just show up! Rome wasn't built overnight, and influence isn't earned overnight. They need to see that you are in this for the long game. Show up consistently, pick one or two platforms you love, and run with them well, don't try and half a$$ all of the things. Just stay consistent in a few.