Charge What You’re Worth: Raising Prices

charge what you're worth raise your price guide

Let’s talk about why the actual fuck you’re not raising prices in your business… And how you can charge what you’re worth.

No, but seriously.

Are you exchanging time for money? Answer: YES! We all are… Time IS money, didn’t we all learn that one? And there is not enough time in a day for you to fuck around with this.

But don’t worry, I’m about to give you my three tips for raising your prices, tell you how to charge what you’re worth, and how to feel fucking good about it too.

And I know what’s coming. I’m very aware of the fear around raising prices. I can hear some of you already… But Jamie, if I raise my prices I’m going to alienate my audience *tear*.

Actually, get ready to be shocked. Like *gasp* kinda shock. ‘Cus the truth is, I need you to swallow a jagged lil pill on this one (that’s for my 90’s babies in the house).

Read this as gospel, listen to your slay queen right now, because there’s a truth bomb about to come your way. You are shit is invaluable, raising prices on your offers is a MUST, and it’s time to charge what you’re worth.

If you’re super hung up on this, I recommend grabbing the free Unfuck Your Money Mindset workbook. Spend some time letting that shit go so you can level up using the advice below.

The reason you’re struggling to charge what you’re worth, right now, is because you feel unworthy. You imagine yourself as poor and destitute if you raise your prices. And this fear based *bullshit* is keeping you stuck. You’re literally building a case to keep yourself in your comfort zone because raising your prices is fucking scary.

Well, here I come, and imma bout to rip that bandaid off, slayer.


Let’s talk about what’s really holding you back from raising prices on your offers. You’re afraid to be judged.

You think people aren’t gonna pay you and they’re gonna think something along the lines of “Who the actual fuck is she to raise her prices and charge those premium rates?”

Well, listen up. The people who are in love with you and your brand are definitely not going to think that. They’re gonna think “Holy shit, she’s so inspirational. I can’t wait to be like her one day.”

And the ones who think otherwise? The haters? Ya, Becky in the back who’s thinking “OMG who is SHE to charge those prices, ew”...

Those bitches were never going to be your clients. They don’t like you anyways. And if they have that mentality about you, why would you want them to be your client? #ByeFelicia, those are NOT your people.

You were born worthy. You are priceless. There’s a one in a trillion chance that you ended up here on this planet. Embrace that shit.

Ok, now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about getting experience. Yes, of course before we start charging Beyonce prices and go balls to the walls with raising prices we want some experience under our belts and to have an action plan in place.

Let’s take some of that feminine goddess energy we just powered up right now and match it with some masculine strategy energy. Here are my three tips for raising prices on your offers.

Number One: What Are Other People Charging?

Take a look around in your industry. What are other people who are doing what you’re doing, with the same experience and skillset as you, charging?

And if the answer is more, then this boils down to a self worth issue and we need to dig into why you don’t feel good enough. Because other people are making that happen which means so can you. The only difference between you and them is they’re braver than you and they’re owning their value.

Ok, now take another step back. What are the industry leaders who you aspire to be like charging? If you’re gonna get there one day, it’s time to start taking steps in that direction. So make note now, those are your big end goals.

Also, if you feel like you’re not getting any attention in your industry right now, go grab the free Attention Whore challenge. This is a great place to start taking those steps toward industry leader status.

Number Two: Dream BIGGER

So, you wanna be like that person one day. You know who. The girl who you go creep her news feed all the time, drooling, thinking things like…

Omg she’s got her shit together. She’s my idol! She’s such a fucking badass and she’s making so much money. I wanna be like her when I grow up.

Bitch, what’s she charging? This is what you can aspire to be in your industry… A leader who knows how to charge what you’re worth.

#RealityCheck… People perceive luxury based on price points. You will be perceived as high end when you charge what you’re worth and start raising prices.

And guess what? Your prices are a filter for the type of clients you work with, too. If you wanna work with someone who’s low vibe, who’s gonna dick you around, who’s gonna want a refund, who’s gonna bitch all the time… Go ahead. Keep your prices low.

Your price point dictates how you’ll be seen and the type of person you are going to work with. Dream bigger, babe, you deserve way more. #ThankYouNext

Number Three: Prove It to Yourself

I want you to build a case, a whole list of evidence, that your skillset matches up to the high-end price points in your industry.

In other words, how can you prove that the answer to “Why not you?” is… nothing. Dive into:

  • Who in your industry is doing what you do and what you love?

  • Why are they doing it well?

  • How are you just as good as them? *’Cus you are. Back to the whole worthiness thing again. Please see intro.*

  • What skillsets do you have under your belt that they don’t have?

Show me your list in the comments below.


Let’s bring all the pieces together and talk about the H-O-W of actually raising prices and a game plan to charge what you’re worth. First of all, you’re going to have to communicate with your audience. And here’s the thing, if they see you’ve raised your prices by 15% and stick up their nose…

They’re not your people.

Chances are, you’ve outgrown them. Let it goooo, let it goooo… ya, clearly a mom, I know.

We need to inspire our people and also prepare them. This would look something like you saying:

“Oh my word, you guys are amazing, I’m so thankful for all the opportunities coming my way. My calendar has been getting BOOKED OUT! It’s time to level up… I want you to come with me. As of [insert date here] I will no longer be $X. I’ll be raising my prices to $X… So get into [insert program name] while it’s hot.”

If you feel fear around this, I get it, and you’re not alone. You’re probably thinking something along the lines of what one of my clients recently said: “But Jamie, what if they don’t come?”

Here’s the thing you have to remember… Your audience sees you differently than you see yourself. You don’t see yourself as the Lady Gaga of your industry. Inside, we’re all just our scared selves hanging onto past hurts that are keeping us small.

But that shit isn’t serving us. And it is not our truth. Our truth comes when we lean into who we are becoming and move past our fear to make it happen.

So take a step back. Don’t listen to that five year old version of you that needs permission. Embrace your inner goddess, badassiest version of you and think, what would SHE do?

I’ll tell you what she’d do. She’d get to raising prices, like, yesterday.


Here’s the trick I use to raise my prices. This is proven effective, tried and true, Jamie King strategy right here.

  1. I look at what others in my industry are charging

  2. I calculate the average market price for the service I’m selling

  3. I match that average price with my skillset

  4. Lastly, I match it with how I want to be perceived

Only YOU get to decide you’re an industry leader.

Only YOU get to choose a deep sense of knowing, to create a belief, that you’re worth your prices. Choose your affirmations. Choose your truth, choose your new normal.

Some of my favorite affirmations include:

  • Yes bitch I’m worth this price.

  • People love to pay me at my new prices.

  • Of course people want to pay me in full!

  • People are inspired by my fucking prices.

Remember this slayer: Your big girl thoughts, they control how you feel, your feelings dictate whether you do or do not take action, your actions produce the bomb ass end result.

I’m going to leave you with these questions, and I want you to actually pause and ask yourself:

  • Why not you?

  • Why the actual fuck can’t you? (Seriously. I challenge you to this. DM on Insta @theslaycoach if you think you have an actual, logical list of reasons you can’t fucking charge what you’re worth. ‘Cus I think you cray cray.)

What is a price that’s a little bit scary, that stretches you to grow, but you’re willing to get behind with your belief and energy?

This isn’t an overnight thing. I know it might not feel possible yet, but you have to be willing to start to believe it’s going to be your reality. That willingness WILL become a solid belief.

And it all start with possibility and thinking bigger, slayer. Come over to the Chardonnay and Slay community and drop your answers to the above questions so we can all support you in your massive up level.

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how to raise your prices the slay coach
how to raise your prices the slay coach