5 Tasks You Need To Prioritize To Make Money

5 Money Making Tasks

Week two of quaranslay, peeps - how are we all tracking? I’m assuming that most of you out there will be getting used to your new “normal”. For all you slay at home moms out there, you’re finally figuring out the answers to all of the relevant questions in these interesting times... like ‘wtf do I feed these tiny humans?’, ‘how do I continue to run my biz while there’s a toddler pulling at my PJ pants every five minutes’, ‘how much TV viewing constitutes as home-education?’. In a period where everyone in the world seems to be complaining that they’ve got too much spare time on their hands and they dread being left alone with their thoughts, you’ve found yourself with a whole new set of demands and tasks to navigate; running a biz, Mom duties and now adding ‘home educator’ and ‘entertainer’ to the mix. 

Time seems to be getting away from you even more than it did before all this shit went down… 

Sounds familiar? 

I’ve decided to come here today and share with you how to move your business forward in just one hour every day, so you can continue to slay the fuck out of it even with all the extra demands put on you in these times. FYI this info is relevant not just slay at home moms, but for anyone who is adjusting to a new routine or settling into a new business and wants to know what to actually prioritize every day to make sure you’re making that bread. 

I do five things in my business every day to move the needle forward, which I track using my Slady Boss Biz Tracker (which you can download for free here) and these five things fall directly under the category of money-making activities and tasks. 

A.K.A. What is going to make you the moolah - creating content, providing value and motherfucking selling yourself (uh oh, thought you’d get away with not having to do that one, didn’t ya?) 

Are you ready slayers? I’m about to break this shit down for you into five simple tasks that you need to be doing every single day if you wanna bring in those dolla dolla billz.

5 Tasks You Need To Do Every Day To Make Money:

Fill your own cup first 

This one’s numero uno for a reason: you simply cannot show up and slay the fuck out of it every single day if you’re not prioritising your own mental health, routines and self care. So for all y’all out there like ‘but Jamie I don’t know how my morning meditation is going to make me money’, bitch, trust me… it’s everything. Your vibe that you start your day off with is everything and will directly influence all the activities that come after it. 

Every morning I have a routine that I like to stick to, and it helps make this whole sitcho non-negotiable. I start with my to-do list for the day, then I follow up with clients on voxer, then I do my own morning routine which sometimes consists of journalling, exercise, meditaiton, breathwork or whatever the fuck I’m feeling like that day. And for those of you in the back rolling your eyes like ‘but Jamie that all takes so much time’, know that you can get all of this shit done in the space of an hour. It will take as much time as you allow it to…so if you’re one of those people who takes five hours to write a single motherfucking post (lol Sharon, I’m looking at you) then you need to literally set a timer for yourself. Cause ain’t nobody got time for that.

Filling up your own cup and taking care of you is so important and fundamental because only from that space (where you’re not running on empty) can you truly show up and fucking serve your people and help others… which, bee-tee-dubs, is the next task on my list. 

Checking in with your peeps

Your entire business - the very foundation of your brand - is dependent on the relationships you build, so you can see why it's pretty motherfucking crucial to be in a good vibe (step 1) when you’re checking in with your people, messaging them, following up with them and building relationships in your dm’s. 

And a word to the wise, slayers, know that this task is a non-fucking-negotiable, no matter who you are and where you are in your biz.

I don’t give a flying fuck how much of a big deal you think you are, how much money you make, how many followers you have on Instagram… you are not too big of a deal to give a shit about people. You are not “too cool” to build genuine relationships with people in your business. To ask your audience how they’re doing. To actually listen and care. To be checking in with them every day - in your groups, in your DM’s, in your livestreams. Frankly, if you have the attitude that you’re ‘above’ giving a fuck about your audience, then you don’t deserve to be making money in a ‘service based’ industry at all (#shotsfired) and kindly find another industry where it’s not a prerequisite to actually give a fuck about the people you’re serving (maybe something where human interaction isn’t involved). But I’ll calm my tits now (lol quarantine isn’t affecting me at alllll) because that’s none of you lovely sladybosses...

The best coaches out there are the best listeners - the ones who genuinely come from a place of service. Your audience can sense when you’re out there just trying to make money vs. actually giving a shit about what your people are going through. And when you genuinely give a shit about your people and check in with them every day, well… you know how it goes, this article isn’t called ‘5 tasks you need to prioritize everyday to make money’ for nothing… 


Add value on your instagram stories

This one is as simple as it sounds and it really doesn’t have to be complicated or carefully planned out or anything. In fact I’m gonna keep this point short and sweet.

You just want to be showing up for 2-3 tips every day - simple shit like ‘this is my favourite routine’ or ‘this is my favourite smoothie’ or whatever the fuck you’re doing in your day. The primary function of this is giving people a reason to watch your shit, to make them feel like they identify with and know you on a personal level. That you’re a real AF person. You’re their best pal. They know, like and trust you. 

I’m making this point now - and it’s going to carry over to the next essential money making task - that you shouldn’t be thinking too hard or too much about this stuff. All you need to be doing is just feeling it out, and then taking action from that place. This isn’t meant to take ages.

I’m going to say that again for the peeps in the back so it’s fresh in your mind for the next point - No thinking, just doing!

Consistent content

Every day you want to be creating a minimum two pieces of content every single day. If you’re one of those people who bulk creates or outsources to a content creation team then you still want to be aiming to be putting two pieces out, MINIMUM, a day. These pieces of content should be coming from a place of love and service and adding value, not selling your tits off. 

I want to reiterate that this doesn’t have to be difficult. Each piece of content should not take you longer than 10-20 minutes…. Sharon, are you listening? All you need to do is feel into your message - who the fuck you are, what the fuck you have to say, what you’re passionate about - and create from THAT place. 

In fact, you also want to be coming from that place of authenticity and #realness when you carry out the last money-making task, which is...  

Sell. Your. Motherfucking. Self

#Sorrynotsorry slayers, but this one’s also non-negotiable even though I left it til last. You need to be putting out calls to action and pitching to your audience 3-5 times every single week. Whether it's promoting your email list, your freebie, your free content, your current sales, ‘how you can work with me’ or what your newest offer that you’re fucking jazzed about is - it needs to happen. 

And people, please know it can (and needs to) be done in a loving way - without feeling fear around looking or feeling sleazy or salesy. When you share your motherfucking TRUTH and pitch from a place of “this is the fucking tits!” people are not going to feel weird vibes from your pitches. Pitch from a place of service, a place of ‘I just wanna fucking help’. 

You cannot pitch too much when you’re coming from a heart centered place of ‘this is going to do so much for your world’. 

Don’t forget, slayers, that people want their problem solved, and you have the motherfucking solution for them. So frankly, it’s straight up selfish not to share your shit. You feel me? 

Prioritize these five simple things every single day, use the Slady Boss Biz Tracker (which you can download for free here) to keep you on task and remember that none of this shit needs to be hard or take too much time (literally can all be done in around an hour a day if you're productive).

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5 tasks to prioritize every day to make money
5 tasks to prioritize every day to make money