4 Ways to Create Branding that Stands Out in 2020
Slayers, I’m just going to put this right out there and say it - 2020 has been the best fucking year of my life to date and not the dumpster fire that everyone else seems to have had.
For many of us it can seem like ‘woah wtf just happened’ with all the cray shit that’s been unfolding this year, but if you’re like me then you’re starting to recognize that all the things that have happened this year are to wake us the fuck up.
2020 is the year we finally stopped idolizing people for vanity metrics. The year we stopped trying to get rich just for the sake of getting rich vs. getting rich to do good with it. The year we’ve all been pushed to show the fuck up and actually own what it is that truly matters to us.
2020 is the year we start showing up and finally doing things differently - because let’s face it, peeps, the way we’ve been doing shit isn’t working anymore.
2020 has brought my invigoration back for branding - for being the ‘go to’ branding girl - because this year, being who you really are and standing up for what you believe in is sexy… and that is at the core of what attraction marketing truly is!
Branding isn’t just a color palette anymore.
Branding is showing up and living and breathing as your brand - every, single, fucking, day.
2020 has given us the permission to fully own who the fuck we are, and to get paid shit tons of money just to be our unapologetic badass selves.
So here it is, coming in hot:
4 ways to create branding that stands out in 2020
(and I ain’t talking about fonts and web design, boo).
Your authenticity has to be real, not staged
In case you haven’t noticed, lovebugs, people’s bullshit radars have gone up reeeeal high in 2020. If you are fake in 2020 and you got called out and didn’t own it, chances are you got cancelled. Being ‘fake’ and inauthentic just to sell programs is no longer accepted, people just aren’t available for this BS anymore.
But guess what… this gives you the freedom to ACTUALLY be you and stop trying to be your upline or your mentor!
It gives you the freedom to be who the fuck you truly are and show up from that place.
Not because you want to fit in with a certain crowd, to sound like your mentor, to look a certain way. That’s no longer the vibe anymore, slayers.
From now on, you’ve gotta honor and own who the fuck you are and what the fuck truly matters to you. When you speak truth to power, THAT is what will attract your people… and the right people, which brings me to -
Fighting for a cause is no longer taboo
From now on, it’s no longer acceptable to ‘play it safe’ for risk of offending people, for risk of deterring people, for risk of having a dangerous or unpopular opinion. It’s not about ‘being likable’ but about being who you truly are - and that includes having a stance or fighting for something you believe in publically.
When you speak your truth and you start standing up for the shit you believe in, inevitably you’re going to lose some people. Big fucking deal. You have to be willing to let go of the people that were never going to buy from you anyway.
Picking a side and defending it is going to polarize your audience, but that’s a good thing.
You’re going to lose the creepers who’re just creeping but you’re also going to magnetize the soul clients who also strongly believe in what the fuck you believe in and what you’re fighting for.
And guess what, slayers, whatever that is, is allowed to change, because humans are ever evolving and changing.
Evolve without fear
You are not going to be the same person that you were 6 months ago - you’re not going to have the same opinions, ideas, preferences and stand point that you did 6 months ago and so it stands to reason that your brand needs to evolve with you. You have to be willing to say ‘this is what I stand for now’ and have that reflected through a shift in your branding.
Real talk, every 6 months since I’ve been in this biz I’ve had a massive uplevel which causes me to redo my mission statements, branding, textures, vibe, direction, nuances every time I witness my own leveling up. I’m continuously recreating and rebranding myself as I evolve and grow.
Boo, this is me giving you full permission to fucking change - if you need a Slay Coach Permission Slip I’ll have one printed up for you - cause it’s okay to evolve and change. You’re not going to be the same 6 months ago, and if you do, you’re not growing.
While we’re talking about evolution, it’s time to fully fucking own where you are at and who the fuck you are and stop trying to people please..
Come from the heart of who you are and not the willingness to please others
A brand that stands the fuck out is when you feel free to live unapologetically, abundantly, massively on fire as your authentic self.
You need to stop looking at your brand from a place of ‘what will people like’, or ‘how can I get people to buy my shit’ and start looking in terms of ‘how can I be more of my true self’ and ‘how can I give them more of me’.
Of coming from a place of service - how much can I give vs. how much can I get.
How can I give back and do good for the world.
And the best place to give back and do good from is from your heart - what is truly important to you, who you truly fucking are.
Truth, slayers - I was afraid to be this louder than life person before I became the Slay Coach.
I was afraid of being ‘too much’ or deterring people. And now I am shamelessly, unapologetically owning the fact that I am slowly becoming the drag queen I always wanted to be.
Yes, I am “too much”, but that’s just enough for the right people.
And this is how you need to start approaching your branding - realness, rawness and showing the fuck up every single day as who you truly are deep down… even if that is a purple-obsessed, wannabe drag queen who is extra AF.
Own it, live it, breathe it.