Unfuckupable Goals: How to Set Goals and Crush Them

goal setting blog post the slay coach

I see a ton of entrepreneurs out there, struggling with fear, setting a safe and comfortable business goal when they’re actually dying to level up their shit and hit epic goals. I created a whole podcast episode on this subject, listen to it here!

You can’t fuck it up! Do it messy and afraid!

I see you, I feel you… And let’s get real, that used to be me.

But we both know that shit isn’t serving you. It doesn’t serve anyone. And it’s not going to get you closer to where you want to be.

Let’s talk about how you can level up with unfuckupable goals. A business goal that is scary, stretches you, makes you grow… but also you literally cannot fuck up.

Here’s why this is so important. I see this trend happening that I’m not down with in places like masterminds and group programs. People are setting these a business goal then saying things like “Well, Jamie, it’s just not working. People don’t seem to want it, I can’t make it happen.”

How the hell are you gonna keep going and make shit happen if that’s how you feel about your goals?!

Answer: You won’t keep going. You won’t push yourself. And that’s just not acceptable. Easy goals means you’re leaning into safety and where you’ve been before, and it’s my job to call you out and get you to your next level.

You know I gotchu boo. Let’s dive into how to set goals and crush them by making them unfuckupable.


I’ve hit some goals. I’ve missed some goals. But lemme tell you a secret… I was excited about the business goal I didn’t hit just as much as the one I did.

Yep. Even the times I set goals for $50,000 launches and missed the mark, I was still ecstatic. Because I set a massive business goal I knew was going to stretch me, and even if I didn’t hit the target, I seriously leveled up my shit by making an effort to hit the goal.

I set the big scary business goal, put my full ass into it, and even if it didn’t turn out exactly as planned… I experienced exponential growth and learned a ton in the process.

And here’s the key to set goals and crush them: Don’t let misses mean anything. Recognize it’s a stepping stone, not a failure.

You have to KEEP GOING. Goals schmoles, you’re still here on purpose. You’re still here to make a difference. But in order to do it, you have to trust, believe, and keep on fucking moving.

Coaching Love Bomb Side Note

I’m gonna tell you the truth, straight up. Take this in and receive it at a soul level babe.

If you wanna set goals and crush them, you’ve got to avoid saying things like:

“Well only three people showed up to the livestream…”

“Only ten people downloaded the freebie…”

“Well no one looked like they wanted it, I didn’t get the engagement, so I just scrapped the launch…”

Um, what the actual fuck? You know what I think… I think you’re too worried about you and not worried about being a servant to your mission.

Don’t forget this boo: You are here on purpose. God put you here on purpose. You have a mission and you have to keep moving. You have a person you’re here to serve.

But instead, you’re focused on how many likes or downloads you’re getting.

It’s time to start focusing on how you can provide more value for the person you’re meant to serve, being grateful for making a difference in three people’s lives, getting lit up for delivering clarity to ten people…

‘Cus guess what? If you’re not grateful for the ten, you’ll never be grateful for one thousand.

Get out ya fucking ego and keep on serving. People can feel that energy. They don’t want to hire someone who is building a business all about them… They want someone who is focused on changing their mother fucking life.


Remember the mission.

Remember the higher purpose.

Remember who you’re here to serve.

Remember who she is… why she needs you… how you can solve this problem for her.

‘Cus *newsflash* your business is not about YOU! You need to be thinking about how you can provide value every single day for the person you’re here to serve. In your content, in your offers…

All the fucking time. Consistency over time is what pays off, not dropping a freebie then pulling it because only a few people downloaded.

Make it about value. Make it about them. Change some lives, be grateful you’re making a difference no matter what scale it’s on, and keep. Fucking. Going.

We are building companies. You aren’t just playing around online and scrolling social media. You are here to show the fuck up and provide epic value. To scale, grow, and make an impact.

Which means you have to show up, have grace and gratitude, and keep going. And then, guess what? People will come to you.

So, how do we do this? ‘Cus one thing I hear is “But Jamie, how do I keep going live when I’m so sad no one is there?”

Here’s what to do: Make a plan. Create a strategy for your launch and to achieve your business goal. Remove your emotions, get out of your ego, and put your energy behind it until the end.

Don’t stop when things don’t go your way.

Don’t give up halfway through.

You got me? It looks like this:

  1. Set the big, scary, unfuckupable goal.

  2. Have a plan for how many emails you’re gonna send, how many social media posts you’re gonna post, how many livestreams you’re gonna do, what is going to take place during your launch. If you wanna start on this right now, grab the free Slay Your Social Media Trello board and start planning out your content.

  3. Stick to it, emotions aside.

Because your plans, your to-do list, your content strategy DOES NOT CARE about your feelings.

Put  your big girl panties on. Drink sparkling water out of champagne glass. Put your lipstick on, jewelry on, fancy pants on… Whatever makes you feel like a CEO boss babe and say to yourself:

“I am ready to show up for you today sister. I’m not here for the likes or downloads, I’m here for the mission. I’m here to mentor, slay, change lives. Even if it’s just one life today, tomorrow, this week… I am here on a mission. I am here on purpose.”

You know that with every ounce of your being. And that… It’s unfuckupable.


Close your eyes and envision the money in your bank account. The women who need you… picture them as raving fans. Visualize the lives you’re changing.

I want you to picture how it feels to have your people, I don’t care if it’s two or twenty, standing in front of you saying:

“Thank you! Help me! I love you, you’re changing my life.”

Picture those women, imagine them in the container you’ve created, the money is there, you already have everything you want. Feel the tingles in your spine.

It’s already yours.

This is my secret weapon. I do this every time I launch. ‘Cus guess what? It’s always going to look like it’s ‘not going to work’ if you’re not in the energy of trust, faith, and belief. Create a plan, stick to it, and get behind the belief that it’s already yours… results will come.

If you’re feeling stuck, grab the free Manifesting 101 mini-course here. I’ll show you how you can start visualizing your dreams into your reality. This is my exact process for making shit I want my real life.

The more you hold the faith and choose to believe it’s happening, the more you can get excited to write the email sequences, go on IG stories jazzed to talk about your program, or what the fuck ever else you need to do to make it happen.

YOUR WORK MATTERS. More than like, downloads, or shares.

So go, go serve the people who need you.

And tell me in the Chardonnay and Slay community how you’re going to continue to serve today and your #Unfuckupable business goal.

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goal setting tips from the slay coach
goal setting tips from the slay coach