6 Ways to Grow Your Brand Following Like Wildfire
There’s a reason that whenever people think of The Slay Coach, they think of the color purple, drag-queen-esque outfits, the rolling-stones mouth, middle-fingers-up-in-the-air and everything else that is associated with my larger-than-life Slay Coach persona.
It’s called unique branding, slayers, and it’s kinda my jam.
Unique branding is the difference between drowning amidst a sea of carbon-copy, neutral-tone wearing hipsters who are spitting out the same yawn-inducing coaching rhetoric OR positioning yourself as a larger than life leader who gets people screaming ‘just take my money already!’ whenever you so show up and so much as sneeze online.
Slayers, my goal is to help you to get paid just for being your unique self, showing up every day as the most you-iest you ever and inspiring else to be THEIR best damn selves.
Growing your brand following and doing it YOUR fucking way is something I’m suuuuper passionate about helping you to do. Which is why today I want to share with you six ways to grow your brand following like wildfire!
6 Ways to Grow Your Brand Following:
People love free shit, lovebugs. Ain’t nobody going to turn down the opportunity of a free iPad. Seriously. Unless they’re living under a rock or they’re Mac-haters, but I digress...
A great way to grab your audience’s attention - and build a following quickly - is with giveaways. Most of my brand following in the early days came from pairing up with other influencers to giveaway cool shit for free. When you network and team up with other people in your niche, you both benefit from leveraging eachother’s audiences, putting yourself in front of potential clients and getting your name out there.
For those of you that are like ‘Umm wtf, where am I going to get the money to fund free iPads when I can barely fund my business?’, giveaways don’t have to be super expensive when you’re starting out. Team up with a group of friends in a similar market and pitch in together on a secret giveaway. Use some of your funds to pay someone else to do the posting and target it to specific followers that will jam with your brand.
Unique Visuals and Messaging
When you’re out there catching people’s attention giving away free iPads, you wanna make sure that even if your folks miss out on an iPad, they’re noticing you.
“You had my interest… now you have my attention”
You do this by having a unique twist on your visuals and your messaging and not trying to look like Suzy-fucking-hipster with your tan color palette and your soft rose gold foil fonts in Helvetica Neue.
Fact: unless you’re pioneering a trend, you’re going to blend in and wind up looking like everyone else. Not the vibe, lovebugs.
The truth is, everything’s been done and done again. Trends are recycled across all industries - fashion, art, interior design, graphic design, music. The trick is to inject your own flava-flav into a trend. I’m giving you permission to show up as your effervescent, sparkly, glittery, bold self. Or sprinkle poo-emojis throughout all of your copy (I mean, hey, could be a thing).
Whatever the fuck floats ya boat, design your brand around THAT. You don’t have to play by the rules and follow everyone else.
Stand out, be unique, be different.
Hosting Takeovers
We’ve all got that one friend in the industry who has 10k Instagram likes - and if you don’t, head over to our FB group Chardonnay and Slay and make one.
Seriously though, swapping social media accounts for a day and hosting a takeover on a pal (preferably in a similar niche and market)’s account is a great way to get yourself in front of their audience and educate them with your unique views and personality.
Bring a challenge or share your expertise with their audience.
They get to do the same with yours.
You both grow your following and subsequently get rich… it’s a win-win, boo!
Being Ahead of the Latest Features
You only need to blink and FB has changed their platform again. Same with most developers and platforms - Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, whatever else you use. They are constantly re-creating their features and if you get ahead of the latest additions, you get to enjoy the privileges of the algorithm favoring you. Developers want you to test out their shit, so if you’re using their new features, you will get seen by more people.
Be an early adopter and get ahead of the trend.
Don’t know what your fave platform is planning to unveil cause you don’t have a crystal ball?
Just-fucking-google-it and figure it out - try searching “2021 Instagram features predictions” or something to that effect and do your research.
Stand for Something
When you stand so powerfully for what you believe in, your belief system or brand core values, you are going to stand out.
People are going to be like ‘oh damn, this chick is lit the fuck up about anti-racism/child-trafficking/corona-virus/shoes/turtles/fuckboys/whatever-else’ and those that vibe with you on that topic are really going to vibe with you.
Stand true for what you believe is true and don’t be afraid to get behind the shit that matters to you… even if that shit is polarising, which brings me to -
Stand Against Something
When you fall in the middle or don’t have an opinion, you essentially stand for nothing, and people get confused. Being polarising is a GOOD thing and actually a super fucking powerful marketing tool, because it’ll automatically weed out the people in your audience who aren’t for you and attract the ones that are.
It’s totally fucking okay and acceptable to stand up for things that are going to lose you followers (if you truly are against it - the point isn’t just to jump on spitting ‘I hate Bill Gates’ if the dude doesn’t actually phase you, or ‘I fucking hate business strategy’ just to be another #controversial spiritual coach. Slayers, there’s no point in having 10k followers if none of them dig you and what you’re about, you feel me?
Do these things, show up as your authentic, effervescent and unique AF self and watch your brand grow like wildfire, with an audience of peeps who adore you and are lining up to buy your shit...
And while we’re talking about people lining up and buying your shit, imagine if you could make a single post and sell your shit out without ever having to do the sleazy old slide into the DM’s.
If you could just attract your clients to you instead of having to chase them…
Wouldn’t life be a whole hell of a lot easier?
If this sounds like something you neeeeed to learn how to do, check out my new freebie Wealth Attraction Plan (WAP) Challenge, which you can sign up for HERE.