Learning Lessons Fast AF for Massive Uplevels

learning lessons fast for massive uplevels

Today I’m going to let you in on a little secret, slayers. 

You probably look at me and think I’ve got my shit sorted out, right? That there is nooooo fucking way I’d have biz blocks or limiting beliefs when it came to anything biz or money related seeing as I virtually live and breathe this shit.

Ahh, I wish, but I’m going to let you in on a little secret… and that is absolutely nobody is exempt from this shit.

Ya, including me.

So I bet you also think, ‘well when I reach x amount or when I reach x level in my biz, I’ll stop having these BS blocks and beliefs’.

Sorry to break it to you, but un-fucking-likely.

Have you ever heard of the phrase “new level, new devil”?

Simply put, this phrase basically just means that every time we level up in life or biz, we’re faced with a whooooole new range of fears, limiting beliefs and freakouts by our ego who just doesn’t-fuckin-wanna get out of the space in which it knows its safe and comfortable.

That these “growing pains” we reach - the income ceilings, perceived limits and caps - will be present at each level, no matter how much further along we are when we started. So even though my income ceiling and perceived limit is probably a loooot higher than yours is, it’s still fucking with my shit, and I’m still sifting through the same bullshit thoughts and beliefs that you are having to deal with right now… just on an entirely different level. 

I had to learn some hard AF lessons, like how to deal with my haters as I started to embody my CEO queen next level. In fact, I now use that same haterade to pay my bills.

In the same way that you feel like your income is capped, there are always gonna be moments where I feel like mine is too…

Even if that cap is just a cheeky couple hundred thousand higher than yours is ;)

(I can almost feel you sticking your middle finger up like stop being a snarky bitch, but I say this shit outta love, I promise) 

So yeah, I’ve been through it. 

I’m still going through it.

End of story.

The truth behind all this perceived limiting BS is - as an entrepreneur there are literally no caps to how much you can make as long as you’re putting the right energy and level of energetic investment out there.

So it’s time to lean into that truth, and tell your ego to just fuckin’ deal with it, we’re going for it anyway.

Ya great, Jamie, you’re thinking… so HOW do I do that?


Before I get stuck into this bit, I just want you to know I feel your frustration ‘cause I’ve actually been exactly where you’ve been.


True story.

I remember a little over a year ago- crying over medical bills, thinking HOW the fuck could I even make a couple grand in a few months. 

How in the world could I do this?

How would this be possible?

How was I gonna survive?

How, how, howdity-fucking how how.

So you’ve got a big, scary goal in mind - six figures in your biz, paying off your medical bills, filling up your first course… whatever tickles your pickle - and the first thing your logical mind wants to do is figure out the “how”. 

Yeah but Jamie, how? 

#Truthbomb asking “how” wasn’t what took me from broke AF, struggling to pay medical bills to owning a multiple 6-figure empire, slaying the fuck out of this biz and becoming an industry leader in less than a year.

When we ask “how” we look at the reasons why it wouldn’t work and all the things that could go wrong instead of all the things that could go RIGHT.

So in case you didn’t get the hint, I’ll drive it home one more time for you.

Stop focusing on the motherfuckin’ HOW.

Yeah but Jamie, how do I do that?

Instead of focusing on the how you focus all of your energy on aligning first with the vibration you need to be in order to attract new opportunities, new income, whatever it is you want to attract. Then the how figures itself out.


Every time you ask “how” you are blocking your brain from receiving a download that will show you how to get the shit done. 


Even worse than wondering ‘how’ is pre-empting what the outcome of something is going to be or having rigid expectations of how something is gonna work out.

YOUR limited brain is gonna shut you off to all sorts of amazeballs outcomes if you go off your expectations alone or get too fixated with YOUR limited idea of how shit should best unfold. 

Stop thinking “it has to be this way or it won’t be successful”.

Anyone been in the process of a launch and didn’t get the sign ups on the first day and thought fuuuuuck this shit, I’m out?

Ya well guess what - most entrepreneurs do that. They get so disappointed when something doesn’t immediately live up to their expectations and they bail before shit gets good.

They think ‘ah fuck this it’s never gonna sell out’ or they focus on everything that could possibly go wrong instead of focusing on how it could be possible and just fucking deciding it’s possible.

Stop focusing on shit you don’t want to happen… the truth is, life is gonna happen every fucking day and there are going to be things that fuck with our expectations of how things “should” have turned out.

It’s your choice how you perceive shit.  

Ditch the ‘should’s and just trust that shit is unfolding exactly as it needs to.

This brings me nicely to my next point….


Have you made an investment that you got burned on? Or didn’t turn out according to your expectations? 

Maybe you never wanna fuckin’ hire a coach again cause you hired one and they didn’t deliver or you felt you didn’t get the value…

Ya, I’ve been there too, believe it or not.

I hired someone and we didn’t vibe at all. They didn’t meet my expectations at aaaaalll. And I had to learn some SERIOUS lessons is money making boundaries to move on from that shit.

In fact, you are hearing from someone who personally made a $17,000 “mistake” (if you wanna call it that and view it from the limited lens of ‘should’s’ and ‘expectations’). 

Talk about expensive fucking lesson.

BUT that is precisely why I’m fucking SLAYING IT now.

Because you know what? 

I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty and take big fucking leaps like that.

Even though that $17,000 investment didn’t give me an ROI in the way I “expected” it to… I know the truth now… 

The truth is that there are no such fucking thing as bad investments!

Regardless of my ‘expectation’ of how it would turn out - it was a valuable lesson regardless. 

A valuable lesson that I am now able to teach people to fuckin avoid like the plague…which, guess what, increases MY value.

Which brings me to….



Oh you made a “bad investment”?

Na girl, you attracted the next scenario or opportunity you needed.

You learnt a valuable lesson.

Oh you made a “bad investment”?

Na girl, you added to your money making potential and your value in the world.

You learnt a valuable lesson.

It is impossible to waste money.

Ya sure, you might lose in the short term, but long term you will make the money back 10x because of the lesson you learnt or the way in which you just increased your value.

THIS is why I was able to go from unable to pay my medical bills and stressing TF out… to having multiple six figure empire, retiring my husband, and slaying the fuck out of it in less than two years… because I understand the value behind investing in myself and in my biz…. 

And I also understand something else that’s pretty fucking crucial- 

PUTTING YOUR MONEY AND ENERGY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS = showing the universe that you’re showing the fuck up. 

Every time I levelled up, I re-invested in my biz. I hired a new team member, or invested in a better coach or did a course. And every time I do this, I tell myself …I believe that.. it’s gonna keep fucking working out. 

And guess the fuck what -

90% of the time IT WORKS OUT.

And you know what I say about 10% of the time it doesn’t?


;) ;) ;)

So I see you, slayer. 

I know you’re probably scared to invest because you’ve been burnt before.

And because of that, just before I wrap this up, I’m gonna leave you with a few final take aways so I can call you on your shit and make it crystal clear why that fear is holding you TF back…

  1. Know that you cannot waste money, the value you’re getting from your “lesson” will make you more money in the long run

  2. Your lessons are valuable but don’t let them ‘burn you’… heal and forgive any past mistakes that you made and write out the value of the lesson

  3. Stop cock-blocking yourself from receiving the valuable lesson by falling down and not getting up again. GET THE FUCK UP, forgive, heal and get ready to receive again.

That’s it from me.

And if in doubt or if you’re feeling like you fucked it up, remind yourself that if I could turn my $17,000 “lesson” around then so can you ;)

Oh and, P.S. you’re so not alone in any of the things you’re feeling right now. So while you continue to uplevel like a MOFO, come hang with the other slayers in the Chardonnay and Slay Your Business group here.

Katie ManderComment